Thursday, January 21, 2010

Odysseus & Other Heroes.

I think that Odysseus relates to other super heroes who have been in literature because he had a strong heart, he made an impact, and he was definitely brave.
He wanted to get his shipmates home which made him care about others with a strong heart. He left his mark, he was included in Homer's Epic Poem and one of the Greek's greatest heroes who helped lead the Trojan war. He called on Athena to help free him from Calypso and went against Poseidon, God of Sea, that's what i call BRAVE.

I think this relates to other works by the story line, there's always a prince, princess, and a villain.
Odysseus is like the prince, Calypso [although he didn't love her like she loved him,] she was like the princess, and Poseidon who hates Odysseus was the villain.
